Summer Dining for Dollars Is in Full Swing! Calling for Fall/Winter Events

Backyard dinner party
At Barbara Kernochan’s Indian Punjabistro.

As September begins, the summer wanes — though one would never know it given the heat wave we have had. Dining for Dollars, UUSM’s member-driven fundraiser, is going strong with a number of summer events already having happened, and more to come. (Reminder to hosts: take pictures!)

Since Dining for Dollars has gone seasonal, it’s still not too late to sign up to offer an event for the fall/early winter months. If you are interested in offering an event or goods/services, follow this link: Sign up to Offer a D4$ Fall Event.

Post your offer soon! Bidding will start on Thursday, September 15 at 12 noon and end on Sunday, September 25 at 8 pm. We will be using our usual auction website, Some of the early offerings are excellent. Stay tuned for details.

Here are some examples of offerings from the fun-filled D4$ 2020 season:

D4$ past events


D4$ round logo