UUSM Stands Up for Science on March 7th
Several UUSM members joined hundreds of scientific researchers in front of the Federal Building on Wilshire to Stand Up for Science on March 7. Member Jennifer Silvers was a speaker.
MORE...March 2025 Worship Services
March Ministry Theme: Trust. Sunday at 10:30 am: 3/2 Gems of Islamic Wisdom; 3/9 And So I Walked; 3/16 Trust Walk; 3/23 Gender Liberation; 3/30 Trusting Our Inherent Worth.
MORE...From Our Minister: Living Love Through the Practice of Trust
Our liberal faith calls us to be proactive in identifying, cultivating, and sharing what can sustain us in the midst of a society facing so many brutal challenges.
MORE...Introducing Our New Office Administrator, Alfie Wilkerson
We are thrilled to share that Alfie Wilkerson joined our professional staff as Congregational Administrator on Monday, March 3rd.
MORE...UUSM’s UU the Vote 2025 Leadership Update
We were so very hopeful and it’s clear that Local, Regional, and National personal post card writing works. Who can take on some leadership of UUSM’s UU the Vote? Who can organize?
MORE...Ministerial Search Process: Step 1
The Leadership Development and Nominating Committee (LDNC) is excited to be taking the first steps in our year and a half process of searching for our next Settled Minister.
MORE...From Our Vice President: Staffing Updates
Alfonso (Alfie) Wilkerson is our new congregational administrator as of Monday, March 3. Long-term administrator Nurit Gordon will be retiring in late March. We wish her well.
MORE...March 2025 Generous Congregation Supports Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services
This month, half of our Sunday offerings will go to a local non-profit, Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services – serving those most in need and least able to pay for more than 80 years.
MORE...February Board Highlights
The Tuesday, February 11 UUSM board meeting included a report from the IARAO Commission, as well as the usual review of church finances, services, and other business.
MORE...Reflections on the Animal Ministry’s Short Film Afternoon
WARNING: This post reflects on films that depict the cruel realities of the meat, dairy and egg industries.
MORE...Dining for Dollars 2025 is on its Way! Stay tuned…
Stay tuned for the return of UUSM’s most popular fundraiser Dining for Dollars. Watch this space for more details!
MORE...Photos from the March for Dignity with Interfaith Allies
At least 20 UUSM members, including children, youth, and DMRE Jessica, came out strong for the March for Dignity on Saturday, March 1st in Downtown Los Angeles.
MORE...From Our DMRE: Living Love Today through the Practice of Trust
There is wisdom in holding our trust back when people or institutions display untrustworthiness. But trust is a spiritual practice that can help us find truth, meaning, and love.
MORE...March 2025 Adult Programs
Come, come, whoever you are! Welcome to an exciting journey of questioning, challenging, and celebrating life’s mysteries and wonders.
MORE...Managing Editor: Pam Teplitz
Editors: Barbara Andres, Sheila Cummins, Elizabeth Fuller, Joyce Holmen, James Witker
Photography: Carol Ring, Roy Patience
Staff Liaison: Esther Chase
Website Administrators: Elizabeth Fuller, Pam Teplitz
Please contact the News Team to submit articles. Members can contact the UUSM office to submit material for the Thursday Announcements.