Thanksgiving Feast – Together Again!

Thanksgiving Feast

How long has it been since we celebrated Thanksgiving together at UUSM? Well, it’s been 3 long years since we gathered and expressed our gratitudes for good fortune and fellowship. We are especially grateful this year to come together once again on our beautiful campus, here in the Tovaangar, the unceded home of the Gabrielino/Tongva people, the stewards of this land before we came to live and worship here.

On November 20 at 1:00 pm we will have a UUSM church-wide, open-air, midday Thanksgiving celebration. It will be a gathering much like those in the past. But outside to help ensure our health and safety. 

Church members and friends will sign up to bring a side dish: vegetable, dressing/stuffing, potatoes/starch, cranberry dish, rolls. Or dessert, of course. There will be drinks (all kinds) provided, along with roast turkey and vegetarian lasagna available as an alternative. Be sure to volunteer to either set up or clean up, because many hands make light work. Please also open your hearts and you wallets, as we will be passing the hat to raise funds for the Hunger Task Force. The money needed for Lunches for Bunches has run dry, as we approach 2000 lunches packed and delivered on Sundays. Let us joyfully share with those who are unhoused and food insecure.

All are welcome, so sign up online HERE right away and bring a friend. We’ll also be in the courtyard after Worship Services between now and November 20th to answer questions and get us all organized.

It’s been too long. Let’s have a UUSM Thanksgiving Feast together! We’ll never take it granted again.