Dining for Dollar$ 2020 Silent Auction on March 8 & 15

18-Dec UU Dining4Dollars Sign

Dining for Dollar$ 2020
Silent Auction – Two Sundays in March
Sunday, March 8th – Sunday, March 15th
11:00 – 12:30 in Forbes’ Hall

What is Dining for Dollars?
Dining for Dollars is one of UUSM’s largest and most successful fundraisers of the year. Don’t miss the opportunity to lend financial support to our beloved community while enjoying the fellowship of community members. From individual homes and gardens spreading out onto fascinating SoCal sites, hosts plan fun and creative events and activities. Some offer ticketed events or goods and services. We’ve got it all!

How often are events held?
The auction for Dining for Dollars events is held once a year, and the individual events take place all through the year.  We have often have as many as 50 or more events up for auction!

Who may bid on and attend the events?
Bidding in the Dining for Dollars silent auction is open to anyone who attends the church, and the winning bidders attend the events.

How many events are there?
Groups and individual hosts usually offer about 50 different events each year, each with a different theme.

What kinds of themes do hosts choose?
Ethnic meals (Indian, Italian, Mexican, French, etc.) are always popular. We’ve also had sailing trips, pancake breakfasts, game nights, pool parties, Shakespeare nights, architectural tours, murder mystery parties, and even a tide-pooling picnic. The possibilities for themes are as varied and infinite as the hosts’ imaginations.

Who and how to HOST an event?
Without hosts the Dining for Dollars Auction does not happen. As we need 50-60 hosts each year that means that we ALL need to give consideration to becoming an event host. Emily Hero and her assistants will be at the D4$ host sign-up table each Sunday until March 1, waiting for members and friends to stop by and speak with her for all the details and for ideas to help you become a host yourselves.

It’s great fun, energizing AND is imperative in helping support our beloved community and it’s many programs that reach and extend to the greater community as well. If you are ready to sign up now you may go directly to this D4$ link and register to become a host right now.


1 thought on “Dining for Dollar$ 2020 Silent Auction on March 8 & 15”

  1. Pingback: UUSM events during the COVID-19 emergency – UUSM NEWSLETTER

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