Welcome to Second Sunday Supper

Second Sunday Supper Buffet
Hosting for March 8, 2020 is the Green Committee, Peace & Social Justice Committee, and Animal Ministries. The theme is “Sustainable Food for Climate Justice.” The hosts will be providing vegan and vegetarian recipes and encourage others to do the same though we welcome everyone whether or not they can bring something to the potluck. The hosts will also be sharing ideas for reducing waste, including a hope that folks will bring reusable plates and cutlery to the SSS, and some education on how to sort their compostables, recyclables. and trash properly.

All are welcome to Second Sunday Supper on, you guessed it, the second Sunday of each month at 6 pm in Forbes Hall. We hope to see you there to enjoy social time…to eat, drink, converse, and connect.

The host committee — which rotates month to month — provides entrees and everyone else brings potluck sides, salads, drinks, and desserts. Members of the SSS Committee are always on hand to make sure things run smoothly.

Perhaps you have a favorite side dish you can bring to share. A dessert?  Or maybe it’s your first time, and you’ll just bring your appetite. How fun is that?!?

Please join us!  Children are absolutely welcome! To save on waste and promote green living, we kindly ask that you bring your own plates, cups, utensils, and cloth napkins. We always have extra dishes if you cannot bring your own.

Happy hour begins at 5:45 pm.

Questions? Contact Beth Rendeiro.

Second Sunday Supper Buffet

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  1. Pingback: Pipes Distinguished Lecture Series: Organist Jeffrey Parola – UUSM NEWSLETTER

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