Stand With Women Against Abuse

workers, clergy and community members rall in front of Santa Monica City Hall

As part of our partnership with CLUE (Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice) we have been supporting the hotel housekeepers from Le Merigot and other Santa Monica hotels in their struggle for a housekeepers’ bill of rights. On June 18, six members of our congregation joined about 100 workers, clergy, union, and community members to stand up and say that we will not tolerate the abuse of workers in Santa Monica.

CLUE and Unite Here Local 11 are calling for the Santa Monica City Council to pass an ordinance that includes the following provisions:

  • Panic Buttons
    Safety devices that workers can activate to notify on-site security of an ongoing crime or threatening behavior, and protection against retaliation for using a safety device.
  • Humane Workloads
    Fair compensation if workers are required to clean more than 3500 square feet during an 8-hour shift and a prohibition on mandatory overtime.
  • Hotel Worker Retention
    Transition period to prevent mass layoffs and ensure that dedicated, trained staff keep their jobs after a hotel changes ownership
  • Housekeeper Training Program
    Training on key issues affecting the public, including potential threats or crime including human trafficking, domestic violence, and sexual violence, risks to public health, as well as workers’ legal rights

To get involved now:

  • Sign up to canvas in Santa Monica on Saturdays from 11 am – 2 pm by emailing Rev. Rae Huang at
  • You can sign and share the petition here.

Stay tuned for more actions as the date of the City Council vote approaches.

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