Join us each Sunday as we celebrate and worship as a community.

Sunday, November 3, 2019
«Celebrando Día de los Muertos» “Celebrating Day of the Dead”
Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae, Preaching
Alison Kendall and Leon Henderson-MacLennan, Worship Associates
Vilma Ortiz, Assisting
ONE SERVICE AT 10:00 am*

We will observe the Day of the Dead, a Mexican holiday when those who have died are remembered in a joyful and playful way, with traditions that honor the lives of our loved ones who have passed on and that celebrate the love they shared with us. We will explore the role of celebrations of life and remembrance, the lessons of loss and of grief, and our cultural denial of death. The multigenerational service will include a traditional ofrenda, an altar with marigolds, calaveras, favorite foods, and photographs.
Please share a remembrance by bringing to the ofrenda a photo of a loved one who has died.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
“In Memoria: Garden of Eternity Service”
11:30 am ceremony of dedication*
Our 10:00 am service in the Sanctuary will be followed at 11:30 am by a ceremony led by Rev. Jeremiah in our Garden of Eternity — our beautiful native plant garden on the Arizona side of the church. We will dedicate engraved memorial bricks that name members of our Beloved Community who have passed away.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
“Livin’ On A Prayer”
Liz Murphy, Intern Minister, Throop UU Church
Dorothy Steinicke, Worship Associate
Prayer is synonymous with religious communities. But how might we, as UUs of many different beliefs, connect with prayer in our own lives and in our congregations? Looking to the natural world as our guide, this sermon will investigate how prayer, in its many forms, can be a transformative practice of paying attention in our daily lives.
Elizabeth Murphy is a third-year Master of Divinity student at the Claremont School of Theology and is a candidate for ministry with the Unitarian Universalist Association. She currently serves as the Intern Minister at Throop Unitarian Universalist Church in Pasadena. She previously worked as a chaplain intern at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and as the Interfaith Programs Assistant at the University of Southern California’s Office of Religious Life. Originally from Pittsburgh, PA, she moved to Los Angeles in 2017 with her wife, Hilary.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
“Our Divine Covenants”
Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae, preaching
Abby Arnold, Worship Associate
We live in a world of covenants — both temporal and divine. Some are not honored, while others stand the great test of time. These sacred agreements are central to liberal religious identity and the promises we make to each other. How might covenant help us to navigate a world of so much brokenness and to invite new possibilities for restoration, healing, and wholeness?
Sunday, November 24, 2019
“Thanksgiving / Thanksgrieving”
Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae, preaching
How do we hold gratitude in our hearts and also acknowledge the pain and grief this holiday invokes for so many? Join us for this special holiday service as we reflect upon our lives and learn more about what it might mean to celebrate and to grieve on this day.
Our service in the world continues.