Board Prepares for Annual Retreat

The UUSM Board of Directors met on Tuesday, October 9.

After check-in, the business meeting began with the unsettling news that our treasurer, Kim Andres, has resigned. The Nominating Committee will be looking for a successor. Some of the circumstances leading to this news will be a subject for the board retreat.

Some of the additional topics for the retreat will include what Rev. Greg refers to in his report as “Big Rocks” – institutional priorities that rise above  day-to-day management issues. Many of these are related to leadership development.

There was a discussion/review of the Board Development Day. This included exercises in trust and relationship development. One notable comment was to realize that we are not alone in our challenges. A presentation at the event that was quite useful concerned the elements of trust from Brené Brown. For those who are interested, the presentation is available online as “Braving” (visit

Our intern minister, Robin Stillwater, is working toward establishing/reactivating a Young Adults Program and setting up a restricted fund to help with its activities. A discussion of the specifics was delayed until next month, when Robin can attend the board meeting. Meanwhile, if you are in the 18-35 age group and are interested in being involved with this program, please talk with Robin.

Pledge receipts are generally doing well, but reflect a need to have less reliance on large donors. A discussion on the topic also included some clarifications as to how the Sustainability Fund is reflected in the operating budget vs. the balance sheet – available to members in “Board Documents” on the church website.

The board ratified the recommendations of the Nominating Committee for additional members for the Investment Committee: Steve White and Garland Allen. NomComm is looking for an additional Investment member. This committee will be developing an investment plan for submission to the board and finance committee.

There were no new members in September.

Attempts to decrease the amount of paper associated with board meetings are a work in progress. The board is wrestling with how to make all board documents available online to interested parties, and intends to resolve this soon.


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