Board Highlights March 2020

The board met on Tuesday, March 10. The theme of the month is Wisdom. In that context Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae asked board members to add a gem of wisdom that they had learned from. A few of the contributions were, “You cannot walk even one step in another person’s shoes.” Another was originally from Ray Kroc, “None of us is as good as all of us.” And then there was, “Remember self-care. Get enough sleep, protein and exercise.”

Rev. Jeremiah’s report is available here. Jeremiah expressed gratitude to Rev. Kikanza Nuri-Robins for her sermon contributions to our Sunday worship. Stewardship continued its behind-the-scenes work in preparation for the March 22 roll-out. Staff evaluations have begun. They will include a self-assessment portion.

Rev. Kikanza discussed her experience on the faculty of the UUA Leadership Experience. The Pacific Western Region has a leadership training program which starts with an intensive weekend of learning about being a spiritually informed leader. Part 2 of the learning experience has readings and discussions over six two-hour sessions via Zoom with ten people from UU churches of a similar size.

She felt that many in our congregation might benefit from the experience, and as a result be more comfortable stepping into leadership roles in the church. One of the things that is taught at the leadership experience is the “relationship conversation” as one way to build a more connected community. The idea is to have a 15-30 minute conversations with people you don’t know well, without asking them to do or give anything. These are conversations that could take place over a meal, at a coffee shop or in Forbes Hall after church.  The purpose is to lay the foundation for a relationship—vital to sustaining a beloved community.

Our Treasurer, Vilma Ortiz, mentioned that pledge receipts were low for February, but this seems to happen yearly. Some aspects of the budget-planning process have been delayed in anticipation of Stewardship results. A Town Hall is scheduled on March 29, after church, to discuss specifics of the budget.

Secretary Norm Richey, wearing his Membership hat, gave an update on Faith Forward. The second set of classes has been very well attended. Week six, on April 5, will feature a question and answer session with Rev. Jeremiah – the most popular week in the first iteration. The program is not just for visitors. Members are encouraged to attend.

Much of the rest of the meeting centered around a discussion of coronavirus precautions. More sanitizers will be available around the church. The automatic faucets will stay on longer. The kitchen will be shifting to paper towels for a time. The staff and volunteers have put CDC precautions into effect.

Given the rapidly evolving situation, the Board recognized that additional measures might be needed, including live-streaming of the service – like what has happened in the sporting world: no spectators.

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