Winter Clothing Drive a Huge Success

FIA Lunches for Bunches Winter Clothing Drive

In December and January, Lunches 4 Bunches conducted a clothing drive for our unhoused neighbors served by the People Concern’s Access Center located at 5th and Olympic in Santa Monica. A total of 853 items were donated! Along with several hygiene kits, the clothing tally in broad categories (going head to toe) is:

9 beanies/hats;
37 winter coats,
83 hoodies & warm shirts/sweaters;
195 shirts and t-shirts;
19 women’s blouses/skirts;
109 pairs of underwear long and short;
56 belts;
91 pants and sweatpants;
13 shorts;
32 pairs of shoes;
185 pairs of socks;
23 other winter items (blankets/bags, ponchos, gloves)
12 backpacks/totes

The generosity of this beloved community is manifest. Thank you.

UUSM Lunches for Bunches Team (Charles Masten, Rebecca Haggerty, and Lauren Poole)