Welcome to Ministerial Intern Robin Stillwater

Robin StillwaterOur new ministerial intern, Robin Stillwater, will begin her year of training and service with UUSM on September 1. Robin is a candidate for ordination with the Unitarian Universalist Association. We will be welcoming her during a reception after the service on September 2, and again during Second Sunday Supper on September 9. Please join us both times if you can!

While interns are mentored and supervised by the minister who leads the congregation, it is important to remember that we all are responsible for the training and support of our intern minister. We are a teaching congregation. Our intern will learn much from us and because of us. And we will learn from her.

Our Ministerial Intern Committee consists of Olga Felton, Kikanza Nuri-Robins, Tom Peters, Bev Shoenberger, and Cassie Winters. (In addition, Robin will choose one more committee member in the fall after she gets to know us.)

One of the Committee’s functions is to serve as a bridge between Robin and congregation. To this end, we have in the narthex a beautiful, floral box – a little larger than a shoebox—in which you can place cards and notes. We are inviting people to help her feel at home: take her to dinner, teach her to navigate the freeways, make recommendations for restaurants, cleaners, markets, and anything else you think might be helpful. We will present Robin with this box on September 2.

— Bev Shoenberger

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