UUSM’s 8th Principle Vote on June 16th

The 8th Principle of UU

UUSM is holding a vote regarding the 8th Principle at our Annual Meeting on June 16th. Members of the congregation will decide whether to adopt the 8th Principle, which is focused on racial justice and dismantling oppression.

The Resolution Statement

Be it resolved that the UU Congregation of Santa Monica adopts the 8th Principle of UUism: 

[(Preamble to the Seven Principles) We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote…] 

Journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.

What is the 8th Principle and Where Did it Come From?

The new principle was proposed by UU lay leaders of color more than ten years ago because they felt that the existing Seven Principles do not sufficiently affirm and promote the importance of diverse, multicultural UU congregations and undoing the legacy of systemic racism in our individual lives and in our institution(s).

It has not been voted on (yet) at GA but has been independently adopted by several hundred (don’t know exact number) congregations including many of our neighbors in SoCal (such as Neighborhood Church in Pasadena and First UU of San Diego). 

Supporting Anti-Racism Work at UUSM

Pre-2020: Multiracial Development committee, Faith In Action programs, study groups, allyship with outside groups, #BlackLivesMatter Banner congregational vote.

2020-2021: Rev. Jeremiah & UUSM Board convene IARAO (Intersectional, Anti-Racism, Anti-Oppression) Commission

2021-2022: UUSM Members participate in “Beloved Conversations: Within” and follow-up discussions

2023-2024: UUSM participates in UUA Common Read: “Mistakes & Miracles: Congregations on the Road to Multiculturalism”; UUSM Co-sponsors DRUUMM’s national service 2023-2024 [Diverse & Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries]

How Does the 8th Principle Relate to the Proposed Article II Revision?

The proposed new Article II of the UUA Bylaws, which will be voted on at GA this June, replaces the existing Seven Principles with a new set of values statements and includes the key points and intentions of the Eighth Principle.

Whether or not the revision passes, adopting the 8th Principle now and adding it to the historical Seven in our congregation would be an affirmation of UUSM’s commitment to anti-racism and multiculturalism.

More Background on the 8th Principle: www.8thprincipleuu.org

— From the IARAO Commission:
Susan Hendricks, Ed.D., chair
James Witker
Linda Van Ligten
Shanna Shaked
Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae