
Greetings from our Minister

The compelling ministry before us will touch upon the very heart of congregational life. We will explore mission, vision, and the covenants that bind us to each other and to the larger world. This is truly a time for a holistic reflection on the essence of beloved community and what is required of each of us to be transformed by liberal religious community.

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To the Glory of Life: Wholeness

In our anxiety to fill the spaces between us, we are quicker to invite fear than curiosity and wonder into the parlor of our imagination. And when the music stops and everyone rushes to occupy the limited number of chairs at the table where decisions get made, fear winds up with the most seats and the loudest voices in the room.

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To the Glory of Life: Journey

Like all of us, I was born into a story that came from authors whose first drafts had been submitted to the Great Publisher. And, as the Great Publisher is want to do, my story emerged as a mash-up of two different plot lines that no amalgam of common interest or common sense would have blended together. But, of course, that is the case with most stories.

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To the Glory of Life: Trust

Eric and Alice (not their real names) “were” married. And I mean “were” in the tenuous past-present sense that sits like a burning lead ball in the center of your heart. Alice made a mistake, the details of which are unimportant. Eric struggled in arriving at forgiveness. That’s where the relationship ended.

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