Come, come, whoever you are!
Welcome to an exciting journey of questioning, challenging, and celebrating life’s mysteries and wonders. For generations, Adult Programs at UU Santa Monica has welcomed seekers, exiles, and interfaith families along with those who have grown up in our own Unitarian Universalist tradition. We are a congregation made up of people who believe in God or a higher power, people who do not, those who are content to live with the mystery, and those who are ever searching for answers to the big questions. But most of all, we are enriched by one another’s life journeys, diverse beliefs, shared progressive values and uniting UU Principles as we learn and explore together.
Our Purpose and Our Guide
At its core, the purpose of our educational ministry is to provide opportunities for people of all ages and backgrounds to deepen their spiritual lives, and live with compassion, integrity and joy as we nurture beloved community and work together for peace and justice in this world. Adult Programs offers classes, discussion groups, and special events on an array of topics relevant to the Six Sources and our congregation’s spiritual life. Some of these may include in-depth study of theology and spirituality, discussion of science writing or Humanist ideas, opportunities to explore music, arts and crafts, or chances to connect socially for fellowship and fun. Many programs are made possible through the time and talent of our members and friends.
An Invitation
Special Offering for June 2021
Challenges of Parenting: Building Resilience Wednesdays, June 16, 23, 30

Community Building Through Personal Development:
Nature Journaling: “Pebbles, Rocks, Dirt, and Sand” – Sunday, June 20
This will be our first foray into observing and journaling about objects that are not living. Yet, even though rocks are not alive, they are dynamic and changing. We will use drawing and writing to help us observe sand, soil and pebbles. All are welcome. We observe what we observe in the ways that work best for us. No previous knowledge or skills are required. Curiosity is the best tool. For this session participants are asked to come with a tablespoon full of sand, a tablespoon full of soil, three pebbles that look and feel different from each other, scotch tape and a magnifying glass, as well as journaling materials; something to write/draw with; and something to write/draw on. If you have difficulty obtaining sand or soil, let Dorothy know and she will send you some. A lifelong lover of the outdoors, Dorothy has more than twenty years experience encouraging people to a love for the natural world. She leads hikes for children and adults in Topanga Canyon, Ballona Wetlands and Dockweiler State Beach. The class will meet from 2:30 – 4:00 pm. Contact: Dorothy Steinicke, through DRE Assistant Teri Lucas:
Exploration of Ideas:
AAHS (Agnostics, Atheists, Humanists, Secularists) Freethinkers Forum Sunday, June 27
AAHS (Atheists, Agnostics, Humanists, and Secularists) is an open group that meets for a lively and engaging discussion on topics of politics, science, religion, and philosophy. We are a home base for non-believers and questioners, but everyone is welcome. For many, atheism/agnosticism is a first step; Humanism is the thousand steps that come after. We meet from 12:00-1:30 pm. For Zoom information, contact: James Witker at
Science Non-Fiction Book Discussion Tuesday, June 15
We will discuss “Entangled Life: How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds & Shape Our Futures,” by Merlin Sheldrake. We think of fungi as mushrooms, but those are only the fruiting bodies of massive networks of diverse organisms. What better example of the web of all existence, of which we are a part. All are welcome. We meet from 7:30 – 9:00 pm. Contact: Rebecca Crawford,
UU Men’s Group Thursdays, June 3, 17
The Men’s Group offers a special opportunity to the men of the congregation and other like-minded men to join our welcoming group in provocative and stimulating discussion and to get to know others with UU perspectives in a more meaningful way. For June 3rd, “How to provide needed assistance and care for the elderly is an important concern for families and society. Have you been involved in decisions about and care for an aged parent? How do you anticipate that your needs will be addressed when you are no longer able to completely care for yourself? Have you had any family discussions about this?” For June 17th, “Automobiles have played a major role in American culture and identity. Acknowledging that this hasn’t been an entirely good thing, what was your favorite car of all that you have owned and why? What do you think you will buy the next time you need a new car?” We meet the first and third Thursdays of the month at 7:30 pm via Zoom. For more information, contact Jim Rheinwald through DRE Assistant Teri Lucas:
Open Meditation Mondays, June 14, 28
We gather and listen to brief readings, sit together quietly for twenty minutes, journal and share with each other what’s on our hearts. We explore the integration of meditation with ordinary life through reading and sharing. This is a non-guided, quiet meditation that may be deeply nourishing. A time to simply “be” amidst all the “doing,” calling off the struggle to become other than we are. We meet every 2nd, 4th, and if possible 5th Monday evenings, from 7:30 to 9:00 pm. Contact Bev Shoenberger or Carol Ring through DRE Assistant Teri Lucas:
Open Meditation: Wellsprings All Wednesdays and Fridays
These are exceptional times. Taking this time for quiet meditation and sharing in the intimacy of having sat in silence together can help sustain and ground us during these difficult days. We trust each of you will use this group in the way that fits your needs. We listen to brief readings, sit together quietly for twenty minutes, journal, and share with each other what’s on our hearts. We simply sit together in our shared humanity. We call off the struggle to become other than we are. These are drop-in groups. You are welcome to join us when it feels right to you. If you come in late or need to leave early, just do so quietly. We meet every Wednesday and Friday afternoon from 12:00 noon – 1:00 pm online. Contact Bev Shoenberger through DRE Assistant Teri Lucas: