October Generous Congregation Supports UUA Disaster Relief Fund

UUA supports victims of disasters

Disasters impact our congregations and their communities with increasing rapidity. From natural disasters like wildfires and hurricanes to human-caused calamities, UU congregations, their members, and their community partners bear the impact.

The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) Disaster Relief Fund is part of a covenant—a covenant between the UUA and congregations, between congregations who give generously and those in need, and with our community partners. By aiding other congregations, we act through our faith and values. Donations from across the nation allow the national organization to respond quickly and flexibly.

Grants can be used to repair damage to congregations’ buildings or for temporary relocation; to help members and friends who require housing assistance; to support partner organizations that serve the community on the scene, particularly those that would not be eligible for other funding. For grants related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, priority is given to UU organizations partnering with local organizations to support the larger community and at-risk individuals.

Generous Congregation

Our practice here at UUSM is to dedicate half of our non-pledge Sunday offerings to organizations doing work in the world that advances our Unitarian Universalist principles; the other 50% of the offering is used to support the life of our church.

UUSM’s Generous Congregation supports our church community. And together, we uplift the reach and impact of vital organizations doing work we could not do on our own. This month, half of our Sunday offerings will go to the UUA Disaster Relief Fund. Your donations will help congregations, their members, and their communities facing the impact of disasters.

Please consider supporting the mission of our church, and the UUA Disaster Relief Fund. To give right now, text “$10 GCC” to 844-982-0209. (One-time-only credit card registration required.)

UUSM Generous Congregation supports UUA Disaster Relief Fund

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