New Year’s Resolution Workshop

It’s a new year, fresh with possibilities. I know there are some of you who think there is nothing special when the year changes another digit. But this is the best time to reflect, to dream, and to plan. And what better way to do this than with your UUSM friends? The participants of this workshop will provide each other camaraderie, encouragement, and accountability. It’s a way to rocket forth our intentions into a firm reality.

Norm Richey, who is a certified life coach, will talk about “SMART” goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timebound. This workshop will help you determine your own SMART goals and will give you the impetus to achieve them.

Take me, Sarah R, for instance. I took the workshop last year. I wanted to record my pipe music and create music videos for those pieces. I realized I couldn’t do this with my regular acoustic pipes. I needed a digital chanter first. So I purchased one in January. I also needed to purchase a headset. Then I realized I needed to connect it to recording software. I did some research and bought an Apogee. With this I could connect and record directly to my phone. And thus, I can record anywhere I’d like – in a café, in a park, even on the train.

With a music sample recorded, it was time for that video. So I learned how to use GIMP, an open source photo manipulation software. I created artwork, took photos, manipulated them in GIMP, and built-up frames for the videos. I then found ShotCut as a decent program. I downloaded it, learned what I can do with it, and created two whole videos for my music pieces.

I was successful because my final goal was well defined, and I used a stepladder of SMART goals to achieve that larger goal. It took fearless acquisitions, research, and learning new things. Everything was a challenge, but there was a lovely emotional payout.

I am sure others will have plenty of dreams they wish to share and work towards, and these ideas may excite you too. So, what might you want to do differently this year? Come sign up for the workshop. Room is very limited, so act quickly to get your spot!

Send an email to The workshop is by Zoom on January 19, this coming Wednesday night, 7:00-8:30 pm. We are considering moving the follow-up dates to the third Wednesdays, on February 16 and March 16, instead of the second Wednesdays as previously advertised.

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