What is it about forgiveness that challenges us? How can we learn to apologize, to forgive ourselves, or forgive those who have wronged us? On February 8 in Forbes Hall from 10:30 to noon, we will be talking about “On Repentance and Repair – Making Amends in an Unapologetic World” by Danya Ruttenberg.
Everyone has had the experience of being injured or insulted. Most of us have also been in situations where we know we hurt someone. Starting with the wisdom of Maimonides, the author brings our attention to how and why apologies matter.
It’s a matter that touches our congregation in every facet. From institutional mistrust to personal grudges, there is much that could be forgiven. But SHOULD it be forgiven? There are a lot of apologies that could be offered. But that can only happen if people value community more than they value their own sense of injustice.
Ruttenberg highlights that it does not benefit anyone to just hand out a blank check of absolution. Wrongs that have been committed need to be acknowledged and accounted for. Like kids on a playground, “Say that you’re sorry” doesn’t make anyone contrite. It just papers over a problem that will reoccur again. And again.
Reading this book can be a thought provoking and emotionally charged experience, and that is one of the reasons it’s highly recommended. Challenges can be discussed without naming names, and without placing blame.
Forgiveness can be liberating, and forgiving can bring peace.
Please conatct AdultRE@uusm.org to RSVP or with any questions.