Meaningful Discussions at March PS&J Meeting

Peace & Social Justice Committee Meeting

I attended the Faith in Action Peace & Social Justice (PS&J) Committee meeting in March for the first time. It was great to talk to like-minded people about the important issues that are meaningful to me.

We acted on agenda items like the Apology from the City of Santa Monica to its African American residents. We discussed the State Task Force on Reparations which is finalizing their two-year study on the harms done to the Black community in California and some possible remedies for those hurts. We set dates for group discussions on the UUA/UUSM Common Read, Mistakes & Miracles, a book on anti-racism available for purchase in our courtyard. Lastly, we talked about the proposed 8th Principle of UUism, affirming our commitment to anti-racism, which will be voted on at our next Annual Meeting.

To me, these exciting subjects and more, have deep meaning for us all. This Committee allow us to act on our faith in significant ways.

The April PS&J Committee meeting will be brief on Easter Sunday, April 9, at noon.

Faith in Action: Peace & Social Justice Committee