June 2023 Generous Congregation Supports the Transgender Law Center

Transgender Law Center Guide for Reporting on Anti-Trans Medical Bans

This month, half of our Sunday Offering will go to the Transgender Law Center (TLC), a group that helps change law, policy, and attitudes so that all people can live safely, authentically, and free from discrimination regardless of their gender identity or expression. TLC is the largest national trans-led organization advocating for a world in which all people are free to define themselves and their futures. Founded in 2002, grounded in legal expertise, and committed to racial justice, TLC employs a variety of community-driven strategies to keep transgender and gender nonconforming people alive, thriving, and fighting for liberation.

Core beliefs at the Transgender Law Center are:

  • Transgender and gender nonconforming people hold the resilience, brilliance, and
    power to transform society at its root.
  • No one is disposable.
  • The people most impacted by the systems we fight must lead the work.
  • Until trans and gender nonconforming migrants and Black trans women are safe
    and free, none of us are.
  • Liberation for everyone is both necessary and possible.
  • Self-determination is a right we were all born to realize.
  • Our survival is revolutionary.
  • Because of those who came before us, we have already won.

Generous Congregation

Our practice here at UUSM is to dedicate half of our non-pledge Sunday offerings to organizations doing work in the world that advances our Unitarian Universalist principles; the other 50% of the offering is used to support the life of our church.

UUSM’s Generous Congregation program supports our church community. And together, we uplift the reach and impact of vital organizations doing work we could not do on our own. This month, half of our Sunday offerings will go to the Transgender Law Center. Your donations will help them continue their work in providing support for victims of domestic violence and continuing their work in advancing social justice, locally and globally.

Please consider supporting the mission of our church and the Transgender Law Center. To give right now, text “$10 GCC” to 844-982-0209. (One-time-only credit card registration required.) Or visit Make a Donation at uusm.org and reference Generous Congregation. Thank you.