Hanukkah with The Santa Monica Synagogue

Menorahs on a table

by Sandra Trutt

Peggy Kharraz, Edward Sachs, and I attended the dinner and Hanukkah service on Friday, December 27 with The Santa Monica Synagogue, which shares our space. Their members filled up Forbes Hall. The food was delicious and catered from Fromin’s Deli up the street at Wilshire and 18th. We UU’s sat together and enjoyed talking with our new friends. We got to meet Rabbi Shira Freidlin’s husband and two children, a real treat.

For the service, SMS members crowded in the sanctuary, four to a pew. Many people brought their own menorahs and candles. There was a group candle lighting led by Rabbi Shira and a sung blessing as three candles were lit for the third night of Hanukkah on each menorah.

We were given a handout with the songs to be sung and the service transliteration so we could follow along with the Hebrew. The Rabbi thanked the members of UU Santa Monica from the pulpit and said she appreciated our attendance that night.

We felt really good to be there and to see how happy the Jewish congregation was in our sanctuary and Forbes Hall.

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