Elementary School programming begins in November
We’ll be using a curriculum created by UU Charlottesville called Growing Anti-Racist UUs. It’s geared for ages 4-11.
Pre-School (3-4 y/o) lessons will take place from 11:15 am-12:00 pm for five weeks each Sunday. The lessons are approximately 30 minutes long but I’m sure Zoom will add time to it, so we’re padding the end time. We also may find the kiddos are a tich too young to do Sunday school online. If so, we’ll pivot and find something they can participate in and have fun.
Grades K-2 will have 12 lessons for 12 weeks each Sunday from 12:45 pm-1:30 pm. Again, the time is padded because Zoom is finicky.
Grades 3-5 will have 12 lessons for 12 weeks each Sunday from 1:45 pm-2:30 pm.
It is imperative that you REGISTER your kids for Sunday school (click the button); this is how we keep track of attendance.
Pre-K to Grade 5: REGISTER HERE
Middle School
This church year we will be doing a deep dive into anti-racism, what it looks like when you’re a tween and how being anti-racist ties into the 7 Principles. We’ll be using the book “When They Call You a Terrorist” YA Edition by Patrisse Khan-Cullors and asha bandele.
PLEASE NOTE: The book club will initially be limited to the first 12 kids ages 11-14 (roughly grades 5-9 depending on birth date) who can commit to meeting every other Friday evening beginning on October 16th. After that we will start a waiting list and evaluate starting a second group.
Each student who can commit to the Friday evening meetings will be given a copy of the book to keep. We’ll ship it directly to your home.
High School
This church year we will be doing a deep dive into anti-racism, how it feels to live in a world that’s on fire, and how being anti-racist ties into the 7 Principles. We’ll be using the book “When They Call You a Terrorist” by Patrisse Khan-Cullors and asha bandele.
PLEASE NOTE: The book club will initially be limited to the first 12 high school students who can commit to meeting every other Saturday starting October 17th. After that we will start a waiting list and evaluate starting a second group.
Each student who can commit to the Friday evening meetings will be given a copy of the book to keep. We’ll ship it directly to your home.
Emerging Adults
In a world where the greatest athlete (Serena Williams) is a woman, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and the #Squad are running Capitol Hill and female led movies like The Spy Who Dumped Me and Crazy Rich Asians are box office hits, it seems like feminism is finally diversifying itself. In her book “Hood Feminism: Notes from the Women That the Movement Forgot”, author Mikki Kendall invites us to look around and see not just who doesn’t have a seat at the table, but who wasn’t even deemed worthy of an invite.
PLEASE NOTE: The first 12 Young Adults (18-21 for our purposes) who commit to meeting every other Saturday starting October 17th will receive a copy of the book to keep. We will ship it to your house.