Wow — we’re about to welcome our new Developmental Minister, the Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae, and our new Director of Religious Exploration, Cleo Anderson! Members of our Worship Associates team are presenting fascinating services for us throughout August.
Join us each Sunday as we celebrate and worship as a community.
Sunday, August 4, 2019
“When We Gather as a Faith”
Service conducted by Abby Arnold
The theme of this June’s UUA General Assembly was “The Power of We.” Abby Arnold and other UUCCSM members who attended the 2019 General Assembly in Spokane, Washington, will share the most inspiring experiences during this year’s gathering of 3,000 Unitarian Universalists from across the nation.
For news from GA, including videos and transcripts of a wide range of events, see
Sunday, August 11, 2019
“The Poetry of Mary Oliver”

Rima Snyder, preaching
Alison Kendall, Worship Associate
Poet Mary Oliver lived a long and rich life, much of it in Provincetown, Massachusetts, where she wrote about the beauty of the natural world and her beloved Cape Cod. This morning we continue another annual tradition – a poetry service. We’ll learn about Oliver’s early life, her philosophy, and spiritual outlook. Some of her lesser known work will give us insight into her private and magical world.
Beacon Press, publisher of many of this beloved poet’s works, maintains the website,
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Rev. Kikanza Nuri-Robins, preaching
Cassie Winters, Worship Associate
Where can you tell your whole Truth? Is there any place that is safe enough to share all of who you are? If telling the truth is a virtue, why do we spend so much time wearing masks? What are the masks that you wear? Who knows what is behind your mask?
The Rev. Kikanza Nuri Robins is a trans-traditional spiritual leader who works with groups from many faith traditions. She is an author, a consultant to mission driven organizations, and a member of our beloved community.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
“Boomer One”
Alison Kendall, Natalie Kahn, and Aubrey Sassoon, preaching
Retirees, Boomers, Millennials, Kids – How Can We Communicate? Each stage of life has its unique challenges and tasks, and we find it easier to relate to others at the same stage. What can we learn by listening to those at another stage, and how do we connect when we are seemingly on different channels? Alison Kendall, Natalie Kahn, and Aubrey Sassoon will discuss their efforts to relate to those at different life stages, and our children will weigh in with ideas of their own. Let’s explore the generation gap and how we might learn from each other.
Our service in the world continues.