Apply to Join UUSM’s Intersectional Anti-Racist Anti-Oppression Commission (IARAO)

The IARAO is UUSM’s board-appointed commission that is helping to guide our transformative work for equity, justice, and multiculturalism in our own community. In the last several years, UUSM members have embarked on new ways to examine systemic racism and other oppressions that show up in our lives and our congregation. This work has included programs such as Beloved Conversations, discussion of the 8th Principle of Unitarian Universalism, and in-depth study of the UUA 2022-23 Common Read, Mistakes and Miracles: Congregations on the Road to Multiculturalism. This year, the IARAO will engage with the Widening the Circle curriculum, drawn from the work of the UUA’s Commission on Institutional Change, as we consider ways to apply more of our collective learning to our congregation’s systems and practices.

As Rev. Jeremiah writes this month, the IARAO has been dedicated to the idea that transformation requires inner reflection and mutual invitation to contemplative practice. This is work that will not be finished with the completion of a single workshop, program, or certification — nor is it defined by quantitative goals. Rather, it is a long-term commitment to growth and change.

Are you interested in being part of this journey? The IARAO is seeking prospective new members who also care deeply about its mission and can bring ideas, energy, and commitment to the work. It’s an opportunity to help our community move into stronger alignment with its values and aspirations, to grow personally and spiritually, and to connect more deeply with other congregation members and UUs. The Commission meets monthly via Zoom.

If you have questions or want to learn more about the IRAO, please contact Susan Hendricks (chair), or Rev. Jeremiah.

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