A look back at December and January
December was a month of celebration, with many holidays and traditions shared. Did you see our older youth lighting the chalice on December 18? Shout out to Kiran Paesel and Ian Oakes. The holiday cookie bake was a blast, thanks to the Women+Community. And the cookies and kids were a delicious addition to Christmas Eve, after our magical candlelight service in the Sanctuary.
Coming of Age, 7th through 9th grades, is off to a great start. We did ice skating as a team-building and fun activity! We have about seven kids engaged in the program. Thanks to JoAn Peters, Amy Brunell, the Rev. Dr. Kikanza Nuri-Robins, and Susie Pickett for leading in the COA effort.
Our Whole Lives, also 7th through 9th grades, is progressing with five sessions already completed. Amy Thiel has been terrific with organizing our OWL program and keeping up with our curious tweens and teens! We have exciting outdoorsy weekends planned in February and April for our COA and OWL youth. Coming up fast!
Upcoming fun
Friday, March 3 — First Friday Fun and Games! Join us for dinner at 6:00 pm and games at 7:00. We’re thrilled that the Women+Community continues to host this lovely opportunity for parents to take a load off and kids to get their ya-yas out. Dinner is by donation. We’ll have activities for younger kids (4 to 8-ish and 8 to 12-ish) and maybe even older kids. If you’d like to come and have us take your young ones for a while, we’re happy to arrange for a little fun time. FREE! If you can, let us know you’re coming. Cousins, friends, and friends of friends are welcome.
Friday through Sunday, February 10-12 — COA and OWL Youth at DeBenneville Pines for a special Snow Weekend!
Sunday, February 12 — Littles and visitors will explore “Love for Self,” starting with the book Parker Curry Looks Up about how First Lady Michelle Obama’s portrait influenced a young girl to love herself. What does self-love look like for you? We’ll also be creating some very special Valentines.
Sunday, February 19 — NO RE! Enjoy the Presidents Day holiday!
Sunday, February 26 — In “Love of Neighbors and Community” we’ll explore the ways we build a community together. Together let’s make some Love Soup for all the RE families.
- OWL Classes meet in the Cottage 10:30 am to 1:30 pm.
Want to get involved with Youth RE? Support with gifts of time, talent, or treasure. Email the team to find out what the kids are needing and talk about what feeds you.