UUSM Annual Meeting on June 16: Let Your Voice Be Heard

All members in good standing who have been members for at least 40 days prior to the Annual Meeting are eligible to vote. Come to the meeting on June 16 and let your voice be heard!  Lunch will be served in the Courtyard after the service for members who are prepared to stay and vote.

This year, a Special Meeting of the Congregation will take place at 12:00pm on Sunday, June 16, 2024 in the sanctuary, to be followed immediately by the Annual Meeting at 12:15pm. We will be electing members of our Board of Directors and Leadership Development and Nominating Committee at the Annual Meeting, and on resolutions concerning the budget and the proposed 8th principle. 

Members may vote in person, by proxy, or by absentee ballot. A quorum is needed, so please come to the meeting and vote in person. A quorum for all Church business meetings consists of not less than 25% of the voting members. Non-members are welcome to attend, but cannot vote. For more information about voting by proxy or absentee ballot, please email the office at office@uusm.org

Official Absentee Ballots and Proxy Designation forms are available to download on the front page of the FOR MEMBERS section of this website. Absentee Ballots must be returned it to the church office no later than this Friday, June 14 by noon.

Special Instructions for Absentee Ballots:

  1. Paper submission – Please make sure your name is NOT on the paper ballot itself. Put your ballot inside an envelope and write your name on the envelope.
  2. Email submission – You may email your ballot to admin@uusm.org, but please do not type or write your name anywhere on the ballot itself.

Special Instructions for Proxy Designations:

  1. Enter the name of the person designated to vote for you, sign and date the form. Give or email the proxy form to the person designated to vote for you. 
  2. Proxies can only represent one other member.

To view the agendas and revised ballot, CLICK HERE.

You will have the opportunity to meet the candidates for elected office on Monday, June 10, from 7:30-8:30 pm on Zoom. Please check your email for an invitation to the  UUSM Elections Candidates Forum  with the Zoom link and candidates’ statements. If you are unable to find the email, please contact Board Secretary Larry Weiner for the Zoom link.

As UUs, we affirm and promote: “the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large.”  Your participation helps us to live our values. Thank you! 

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