Personal and Spiritual Exploration for Adults, December 2019

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Learning and exploration are about the transformation of the individual, our community, and the larger society. Participation helps us grow in wisdom, compassion, and ethical living. See our upcoming activities, programs, and workshops for adults.

To contact the facilitator in regard to any offering, you may email with the title of the group in the subject line. Your email will be forwarded.


Dr. Christopher Cameron: Black Freethinkers Friday, December 20

Join AAHS and friends for an evening with Dr. Christopher Cameron, whose new book, “Black Freethinkers: A History of African American Secularism,” argues that, contrary to historical and popular depictions of African Americans as naturally religious, freethought (encompassing atheism/agnosticism/humanism and other non-traditional orientations) has been central to black political and intellectual life from the nineteenth century to the present. We will meet from 7-9 pm in the Sanctuary. Contact: James Witker.

Community Building Through Personal Development:

Collage Group with Stan Bemis Saturday, December 14

Do you wish to express yourself creatively in art, and yet may feel inadequate or untrained? Do you yearn to make an artistic statement, yet not sure how? Do you have too many catalogs, magazines, and advertisements, and haven’t a clue what to do with them? We welcome you to create your own collages with Stan Bemis! Stan works to bring joy and peace into people’s lives by creating art. The goal of this group is to help foster personal worth and empowerment, entering that holy place within and having sacred fun. We encourage you to bring your old magazines to work with as well. We will meet from 10 am-12 noon in the NE Cottage. Contacts: Stan Bemis or Sarah Robson.

International Folk Dancing with Instructors Saturday, December 14

They say that dancing is combining fun with exercise and friends. Learn international folk dancing with instructors Sandy Helperin and Teri Hoffman. Folk dancing is for anyone who loves to move to traditional music. New dancers are welcome – there are no partners required. Donations accepted. We are meeting from 7-8:30 pm in Forbes Hall. Enter through the Arizona entrance. Contact: Ellen Levy.

Exploration of Ideas:

Science Non-Fiction Book Discussion Tuesday, December 17

We will discuss “Whatever Happened to the Metric System? How America Kept Its Feet,” by John B. Marciano. The metric system was developed and considered for adoption nearly as far back as the Revolutionary War. How does it happen that we still use feet? There is lots of history here. We meet from 7:30-9 pm in Forbes Hall. Contact: Rebecca Crawford.

AAHS Freethinker Forum Sunday, December 22

AAHS (Atheists, Agnostics, Humanists, and Secularists) is an open group that meets for a lively and engaging discussion on topics of politics, science, religion, and philosophy. We also host occasional guest speakers, films, and outings. We are a home base for non-believers and questioners, but everyone is welcome. For many, atheism/agnosticism is a first step; Humanism is the thousand steps that come after. We’ll meet one hour after the service in the Warren Mathews Conference Room. Contact: James Witker.

Interest Groups:

Discussion and Support for Persons with Disabilities Sunday, December 22

The Disability Support Group will be promoting a dialogue on the topic, Seasonal Affective Disorders. We meet on the fourth Sunday of each month a half hour after the service in the SE Cottage. Contact: Michael Young.

Parents’ Group Sunday, December 15

Come join to discuss the joys and challenges of parenting in a group setting! Childcare will be provided. We meet from 11:30-1 pm in the SE Cottage. Contact: Chris Brown.

UU Men’s Group Thursdays, December 5, 19

The Men’s Group offers a special opportunity to the men of the congregation and other like-minded men to join our welcoming group with provocative and stimulating discussion and to get to know others with UU perspectives in a more meaningful way. The topic for Dec. 5 is: “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” (George Bernard Shaw.)  Is there a higher or lower proportion of such “unreasonable” people in our society now than in years past? Is this good or bad and why?  The topic for Dec. 19 is:  Which of the cities, towns or neighborhoods you have lived in is your favorite, and why? We meet the first and third Thursdays of the month from 7:30-9 pm in the NE Cottage. For more information contact Richard Mathias.


An Enjoyable Dive into Who and What We Are Mondays, December 2, 16

Bill Blake will present an enjoyable dive into the “who and what” we are. This on-going, twice a month class on the 1st and 3rd Monday is presented to help participants master specific meditation skills. We endeavor to answer the questions Who am I? (attitudes and beliefs) and What am I? (essence or true nature). This class will include meditations that explore participants’ spiritual goals. The monthly group meetings will also focus on insights gained throughout the month. It is expected that participants will develop and enjoy a regular meditation practice. The class meets in Forbes Classroom 3 from 7:30-9 pm. Contact: Bill Blake.

Open Meditation Mondays, December 9, 23, 30

We gather twice a month to sit together quietly for 20 minutes, to walk with gentle awareness for seven minutes, and to explore the integration of meditation with ordinary life through reading and sharing. Anyone who senses they would benefit from 20 minutes of silent, non-guided sitting is welcome to join us. We have found that this time of quiet meditation and shared exploration can be deeply nourishing – a time of simply “being” amidst all the “doing” of our lives. We meet in Forbes Hall, from 7:30-9:15 pm. Contacts: Bev Shoenberger or Carol Ring.

Highlights of additional interest groups meeting in December

  • Knitters and Friends NOTE: on hiatus until further notice. If interested, contact: Linda Van Ligten.
  • Body-Mind Tune Up for Seniors This group is for seniors, superseniors, and people with physical difficulties. Each Saturday from 12:30-1:30 pm in Forbes Hall. Contact: Bruno Lacombe. Note: Free for church members, $10 suggested donation for nonmembers.

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