From Our President: October Thoughts

Eileen McCormack, UUSM President

Just a few thoughts to share as we head into October, which happens to be my favorite month. First, thank you to the Green Committee and all who participated in last week’s Climate Justice Revival Weekend. I’d like to extend special thanks to Alison Kendall, Chair of the Green Committee, and Shanna Shaked, Co-Chair of Children’s and Youth Religious Education (CYRE), for their outstanding work in organizing this weekend and helping us to live our values. It was also fabulous to have Jessica Place, our Interim Director of Religious Education, in the pulpit that Sunday.

I’d also like to offer a bit of clarity around the timing for our Settled Minister Search. We’re actually way ahead of schedule for a settled minister placement in June 2026. The UUA recommends that we have a Search Committee in place by June 2025 and candidates lined up by January 2026 in order to have the process completed by the summer of 2026. We’re starting early, so the Search Committee is able to work in concert with the Mission & Vision Committee, which needs to embark on its work soon. I had anticipated that we’d be in a position to vote in a Search Committee this fall. This turned out to not be the case, but our Leadership Development and Nominating Committee still has more than enough time to discern a process that follows best practices and takes all of the unique needs of our community into consideration. Many thanks to Leadership Development and Nominating for their thoughtful approach. Please know that they are working diligently, and we have a comfortable cushion built into our schedule.

I’m personally looking forward to a Board Retreat that we have scheduled for later this month. This will help the new board to prioritize our many goals for this coming year. In the community, I’m very much looking forward to the Blessing of the Animals service taking place on October 6th, and to the Sukkah Building Party with the Santa Monica Synagogue on October 13th. We’re also still in high gear on UU the Vote in this final, precious month leading up to the 2024 general election.

If you’re interested in becoming more involved, we have many opportunities. Particular needs at present include the Communications Team (, Worship Associates (, and Children’s and Youth Religious Education ( Thank you for all that you bring to our community!

Eileen McCormack
President of the Board