From Our President: Between Summer and Our Year Ahead

Eileen McCormack, UUSM President

As we’re getting ready for our Ingathering Service with our Developmental Minister, Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae, on September 8th, I find myself taking stock of the summer that has nearly passed, while also looking forward to our year ahead together.

In many ways, it was an eventful summer for our community. On August 16th, our Consulting Minister, Rev. Kikanza Nuri-Robins, and I joined the Santa Monica Synagogue’s congregation for their first service at UUSM. It was a beautiful service, beginning at their former home at 18th and Broadway, continuing with a parade of about 100 people proceeding from there to UUSM, and ending the service at SMS’s new home in our sanctuary. Correctly anticipating that SMS would have a full house from their own congregation, we only had a handful of UUSM members in attendance for this first service. Looking forward, Rabbi Shira Freidlin has shared that she would like to invite the UUSM congregation to a future Shabbat service that will focus on celebrating their new home with us, date and details to-be-determined. I’m also excited that we’ll be inviting SMS to join us in our upcoming UU Common Read, On Repentance and Repair, by Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg. The SMS congregation is settling in well, and enjoying our beautiful campus.

Another community endeavor over the summer was a series of Reflecting Circles. The focus of these circles was to continue to process changes that occurred in our Religious Education/Family Ministry staffing during the previous church year, and to hear what people want and need from our community right now. I’d like to reiterate my gratitude to Rev. Kikanza for her leadership in this effort, and to Cheryl Barnett, Gretchen Goetz, Denise Helton, and Karen Hsu Patterson for facilitating the Circles. I heard so much positive feedback about the skill and sensitivity that Cheryl, Denise, Gretchen, and Karen brought to this work. The team is summarizing comments to present to the board in the near future. Also looking forward, Rev. Kikanza and Julie Nyquist are getting Mission & Vision work underway. This is an important Developmental Ministry goal, and will bring more opportunities for our community to share our thoughts and feelings. Please watch for communications from the Mission & Vision team.

Our Leadership Development and Nominating Committee is beginning their work to develop a Search Committee for a Settled Minister. They are planning to meet with our UUA liaison to ask questions and learn about best practices in this important endeavor. I’m excited to see how Mission & Vision and the to-be-formed Search Committee will work together in outreach to our community. I see clear synergy in defining our Mission & Vision and determining what we value most in a settled minister. Please watch for communications from the Leadership Development and Nominating Committee, and opportunities related to the Search Committee.

UU the Vote is continuing full steam ahead from the summer and into the fall. Under the leadership of Brad Hutchison, we’ve recently had another Spirit Level Grant approved to continue this important work. We’ve already raised the funds needed to match that grant, but always welcome additional donations. If you’d like to join in UU the Vote postcarding, please look for Brad and other postcard writers; they can normally be found before and after Sunday services, writing, and snacking under the shade structure. I’m also looking forward to the first Climate Justice Revival weekend of events on September 28th and 29th. Please check our Thursday announcements and calendar for individual events, or speak with Alison Kendall or email for more information. 

In closing, I’d like to share a few more of the many ways to get involved in our community this fall. The Worship Associates team is looking for more people who would like to apply to become Worship Associates. One of the wonderful things about being part of a pluralistic community is the diversity of voices and perspectives that we experience on Sundays. If you’d be interested in adding your voice, please speak with Rev. Jeremiah or Chela Metzger, or write The Communications team is looking for new members, particularly people who would like to be news editors. Please speak with our Managing Editor, Pam Teplitz, or write to learn more. There are also many ways to become involved in our Children’s and Youth Religious Education program. Please contact our Interim Director of Religious Education, Jessica Place, at for more information. As mentioned, those are just a few of the many ways that you can help and become more deeply involved in our community. We need you!

Eileen McCormack
President of the Board