From our Minister: Summer Break

Dear Ones,

I hope this finds you enjoying this beautiful summer day! I write this on my last day in the office before summer break. Like many of you, my plans for the summer have been upended by the pandemic and I’ve had to find new ways to rejuvenate and restore that are low-risk. It is my hope to drive to San Francisco to visit with old friends and also to find some much needed time in nature—I think a few days at the beach and a rafting trip may be in order, insha’allah! I also have a pile of books next to me waiting to be read—everything from a two volume set on the history of Unitarian Universalism, to classics by Howard Thurman, and multiple books of poetry ranging from our own Theresa Soto to new translations of Kabir Das. I am excited to have some time away to study, rest, play, and prepare for the new church year.

While I am away this summer, I hope we can encourage resiliency, sustainability, and regenerativity throughout the life of our congregation. Many of our leaders and staff are beyond tired after months of having to respond to the pandemic. Our leaders and staff had to give of themselves like never before so please take a moment to thank them for all they do this summer. I am sure they will consider it a blessing if you give them a break to center and restore too. May this be a summer of expressing our gratitude and creating spaciousness in our lives and for each other.

Our community is led by our outstanding Board of Directors, talented professional staff, and many networks of vital congregational leaders. I will not be able to respond to emails, calls, or messages while I am away but there are others who will be available to help. Please refer to the following directory if you have any questions, concerns, or need assistance:

Worship Life – Kikanza Nuri-Robins & Dorothy Steinicke, Worship Associate Co-Chairs

Pastoral Care – Bettye Barclay & Linda Van Ligten (, Pastoral Care Executive Team

Religious Exploration – Cleo Anderson, Director of Religious Exploration  

Administration – Nurit Gordon, Church Administrator

Governance – Beth Brownlie, President of the Congregation

If you contact the church office at or (310) 829-5436, staff will be able to help you and/or direct you to the appropriate parties.

Wishing you and yours a happy and rejuvenating summertime!

With love,



Rev. Jeremiah Lal Shahbaz Kalendae

Developmental Minister


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