Science Nonfiction Book Group “What is Life?” – Zoom/Online


Booklovers come together to explore science and history topics in-depth. This month we will discuss "What is Life? How Chemistry Becomes Biology" by Addy Pross. Living organisms obey all of the laws of physics and chemistry, but they are so much more.

Science Nonfiction Book Group “Spillover” – Zoom/Online


Spillover, a book by David Quammen, was published before our most recent pandemic, but looking for emergent diseases and trying to avert them is a 24/7 project. Every year, several diseases from animals are identified.

Science Nonfiction Book Group “Rationality” – Zoom/Online


Rationality, a book by Steven Pinker, explains how modern thought has developed, including tools like critical thinking and probability. In spite of these advancements, he asks a big question: Why have they not been widely adopted by all?