December 11, 2018 Board Meeting Highlights

The meeting began with the president’s message expressing a feeling of shared leadership and ownership.

The Rev. Kikanza Nuri-Robins asked for church sponsorship in becoming fellowshipped as a UU minister. The board was happy to approve.

We heartily welcome one new member, Julia Barnett. Two members have resigned, Ruth and Allen Potts. We are sad to see them leave.

The board approved a short term “interim treasurer” job description, with slightly fewer responsibilities, for January through May of 2019. If you are interested, please speak with someone from the Nominating Committee. Intern Robin Stillwater presented her Financial Mapping Report, based on her 16 interviews with people from past and present finance committees. Both of these items are available through the board link in the Thursday announcements.

Church member Beth Rendeiro expressed a desire that the Right Relations Covenant be mentioned more from the pulpit and be thought of as a living document.

Rev. Greg has been working with several committees to generate a timeline for budget creation, including key roles. This is not so much a new system – more a compilation in one place of the process.

The Board continued a “Big Rocks” discussion begun at its fall retreat. The Mission and Vision section related to procedures for the Membership Committee charter, e.g. having a more frequent “New Members Welcome.” Other sections of the discussion included a Leadership Task Force and the Stewardship procedures and goals for this year. Your can read the full goals document here:

The Humanist banner is ready. An installation ceremony was held during the service on December 16. It now hangs in the sanctuary.

A first pass at a document on congregational safety was presented. This document has become more necessary as more religious passions have made the news. The Board will review it again in February. Once approved, training and implementation will follow.


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