
Message: “We Celebrate Light: All Ages Winter Celebration Pageant” from Rev. Amelia Mu’mina Marie

A message from the monthly “Mystery.” Across traditions this is a time to notice the light and to celebrate it. The animals and the angels will gather together to sing in the season. Please raise your hearts and voices with us as we revel in the joy of all ages community and worship. Order of Service available at

Message: “We Celebrate Light: All Ages Winter Celebration Pageant” from Rev. Amelia Mu’mina Marie Read More »

Message: “A Place Called Home” from Rev. Dr. Kikanza Nuri-Robins

A message from the monthly “Mystery.” Every Hallmark Movie shown this month will revolve around the idea of being home for the holidays. This morning we will talk about “Home” as a place on the map and as a place in your heart. What does home mean to you? How can you create – or recreate – this idea of home so that it is a source of loving comfort? Come, come, whoever you are. Come home. Order of Service available at

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Message: “The Bible” from Rev. Jeremiah Lal Shahbaz Kalendae

A message from the monthly “Generosity.” Sacred texts provided the foundation for the emergence of our ancestral traditions–Unitarianism and Universalism–within the Christian tradition. They have comforted the afflicted and afflicted the comfortable for thousands of years. Come join us as we introduce and explore the Bible from the historical perspectives of our liberal religious tradition. Order of Service available at

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Message: “Thanksgiving/Thanxgrieving: Antidotes to White Supremacy Culture (Part II)” from Rev. Jeremiah Lal Shahbaz Kalendae

A message from the monthly “Generosity.” We give thanks for the abundance of life and we mourn the harm inflicted upon Indigenous People by settler colonialism and supremacy cultures in this holiday service. We will continue our exploration of the antidotes to white supremacy culture as we live into our commitments to multiculturalism and building the beloved community. Order of Service is available at

Message: “Thanksgiving/Thanxgrieving: Antidotes to White Supremacy Culture (Part II)” from Rev. Jeremiah Lal Shahbaz Kalendae Read More »

Message: “Holy Land” from Rev. Jeremiah Lal Shahbaz Kalendae

A message from the monthly “Generosity.” The home and meeting place of three of the world’s great religions–Judaism, Christianity, and Islam–is held to be a land of peace and it has endured centuries of upheaval, war, and violence. Join us as we reflect upon the Holy Land and we offer the longings of our hearts for justice, stability, healing, and a lasting peace. (The Order of Service is available at )

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Message: “The Year to Save the Earth” from Jim Scott

A message from the monthly “Generosity.” The Year to Save the Earth “Join us for a special service, a multimedia, musical message from UU composer Jim Scott. This is the pre-premier, sneak preview of “The Year to Save the Earth.” Jim’s powerful and poignant songs of Earth and Ecology are illustrated with beautiful and striking images on our big screen. There’s many opportunities to sing along. Come celebrate our Mother Earth, the challenges, and the hope for the future.
Over four decades, composer, poet, and activist Jim Scott has performed in more than 700 UU Churches. His much loved “Gather the Spirit” and others are included in our UU hymnbooks., Jim was one of the creators of the “Green Sanctuary” program and he compiled the “Earth and Spirit Songbook,” 110 songs of ecology and peace. Longtime member of the Paul Winter Consort, Jim co-wrote their celebrated “Missa Gaia/Earth Mass.” He has gone on to create award winning choral works, PBS soundtracks, and nine CDs of original music. Jim received an NEA grant to create and produce “The Year to Save the Earth” multimedia concert. He hopes to take it everywhere.” Jim Scott, preaching. Chela Metzger, worship associate. Order of Service is available at

Message: “The Year to Save the Earth” from Jim Scott Read More »

Message: “Dia de los Muertos” from Revs. Jeremiah & Amelia

A message from the monthly “Heritage.” The season of the ancestors has arrived and we feel their presence in our hearts. In this autumnal multigenerational service honoring El Día de los Muertos (The Day of Dead) we will celebrate the season of Allhallowtide and the spirits that are said to now commune with the living. Our annual Garden of Eternity Service will follow the regular Sunday service at noon to remember those who have died in the past year and all those who now have memorial bricks placed in our beautiful Garden of Eternity.

Message: “Dia de los Muertos” from Revs. Jeremiah & Amelia Read More »

Message: “The Songs of Your Soul” from Rev. Dr. Kikanza Nuri-Robins

A message from the monthly “Heritage.” What does the Universe call you to do? What is it that causes your soul to sing? If, indeed, each of us is here, on earth, for a particular reason, what might that one thing be? And how differently would you experience your relationships if you felt called to be in them? This morning you are invited to explore the yearnings of your heart and the songs of your soul. Rev. Kikanza Nuri-Robins, preaching. Sue Bickford, worship associate. Order of Service available at

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Message: “Mission and Vision Renewal” from Rev. Jeremiah Lal Shahbaz Kalendae

A message from the monthly “Heritage.” The mission and vision of a congregation are like the chart and compass that help us live into our collective commitments and aspirations as a beloved community. They help to keep us from being static and move us in the direction of continual growth and transformation. Renewing mission and vision statements is something congregations do to keep the living tradition alive and fresh and to ensure everyone is on the same page–or at least reading the same book–when it comes to why we exist and what we hope to achieve together. This work is one of our developmental ministry priorities this year and your input will be invaluable. Come learn about this exciting new endeavor and how you might be a part of this next step in our developmental progress.

Message: “Mission and Vision Renewal” from Rev. Jeremiah Lal Shahbaz Kalendae Read More »

Message: “What is Ministry?” from Rev. Jeremiah Lal Shahbaz Kalendae

A message from the monthly “Heritage.” Ministry is at the heart of our liberal and liberating idenity as Unitarian Universalists and it is something we share among the gathered community. Everyone is called to the service of ministry in our tradition but how do we define ministry and understand it in contemporary times? We will explore such questions together and also comission the members of our new Committee on Shared Ministry and learn more about their service to our congregation.

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