Join us as we learn about the High Holidays of the Jewish tradition which call us to reflection and repair in our relationships and in the world. With our new neighbors at the Santa Monica Synagogue, we have a great opportunity to build beloved community this season with Unitarian Universalist, Jewish, and Islamic leadership right in our spiritual home. We will also welcome new members into our multi-religious community this Sunday. The Rev. Jeremiah Lal Shahbaz Kalendae, preaching. Chela Metzger, worship associate. Order of Service
Our theme this month invites us to consider our world, our communities, and our lives in the light of Deep Listening.
85% of what we have learned is through listening (not talking or reading).
Listening is where love begins. ~ Fred Rogers (Mister Rogers)
Our listening creates sanctuary for the homeless parts within the other person. ~ Rachel Naomi Remen