Faith Forward Inquirers Series

Forbes Room 3

Join us for our Faith Forward Inquirers Series—for visitors, new members, and current members. It is designed to help answer questions about Unitarian Universalism. The topics for this session are: 1. Faith Development for Children, and 2. Our Whole Lives (OWL), an Age-appropriate Sex Ed Program, both presented by Jessica TenHave-Place, Director of Religious Education. **Note: Visitor’s Meetup will be in Forbes Room 4 Mural.

Event Series Living More Sustainably

Living More Sustainably

Shade Structure 1260 18th Street, Santa Monica, CA, United States

In this first Sundays series, we will calculate our own “Ecological Footprints” and learn about local resources and new habits while feeling more empowered to take Climate Action together. Session 3 topic: Energy Conservation + Climate Change.

Visit the For Members section for the full UUSM Google calendar.