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Event Series Sunday Worship

Sunday Worship: The Luminous Quran

Sanctuary 1260 18th Street, Santa Monica, CA, United States

The Islamic Holy Month of Ramazan arrives with the setting of the Sun this evening. Muslims all around the globe will begin the spiritual exercise of reading the entire Quran over the next lunar month. Join us in-person or online as we introduce and explore this luminous scripture in preparation for the arrival of the Queen of Months.

Rev. Jeremiah Lal Shahbaz Kalendae, preaching.
Karen Hsu Patterson, Worship Associate.

Event Series Faith Forward Inquirers Series

Faith Forward Inquirers Series

Cottage 1260 18th Street, Santa Monica, CA, United States

Join us for our Faith Forward Inquirers Series—for visitors, new members, and current members. It is designed to help answer questions about Unitarian Universalism. The topic for this session is "Sunday's Liturgical Services, All the Parts Coming Together" and "Pastoral Care & CareRing" presented by The Rev. Dr. Kikanza Nuri-Robins.

Event Series Sunday Worship

Sunday Worship: Communion: the Transformative Power of Breaking Bread

Sanctuary 1260 18th Street, Santa Monica, CA, United States

At the heart of Christianity is the call to share a meal with one another and to invite ourselves to be transformed by the experience of Oneness that follows. Join us in-person and online as we explore the roots of Communion and the practice of breaking bread as a path to wholeness and liberation.
Rev. Amelia Mu'mina Marie, preaching.
Sue Bickford, Worship Associate.

Event Series Sunday Worship

Sunday Worship: At the Threshold of Change

Sanctuary 1260 18th Street, Santa Monica, CA, United States

All journeys into liminal space begin somewhere. Most at a threshold. Acknowledging a threshold is an important step in transformation. In this talk, Chris will detail what skills, knowledge, and wisdom can be drawn upon as we embark on journeys of transformation. Join us for worship in-person and online.
Dr. Chris Hoff, Guest Speaker
Chela Metzger, Worship Associate

Event Series Faith Forward Inquirers Series

Faith Forward Inquirers Series

Forbes Room 4 Mural

Join us for our Faith Forward Inquirers Series—for visitors, new members, and current members. It is designed to help answer questions about Unitarian Universalism. The topic for this session is "Adult Religious Education Programs (Adult RE)" presented by Beth Rendeiro.

Event Series Sunday Worship

Sunday Worship: Easter Celebration

Sanctuary 1260 18th Street, Santa Monica, CA, United States

Who is Jesus of Nazareth? For two millennia scholars, theologians, religious leaders, and the faithful in many different religious traditions have struggled to answer this question. Let us listen to his own words in the light of our own tradition and come to our own conclusions this Easter morning. Join us in-person or online.
Rev. Jeremiah Lal Shahbaz Kalendae, preaching.
Rev. Dr. Kikanza Nuri-Robins, Worship Associate.

Sunday Worship: Stewardship Sunday

Sanctuary 1260 18th Street, Santa Monica, CA, United States

Rev. Jeremiah Lal Shahbaz Kalendae, preaching
Sue Bickford, worship associate
The springtime brings bright new blossoms, heavy storm clouds, cleansing rains, and our annual stewardship campaign to support the life of our beloved community. Thank you for all that you give—time, talents, heart, and financial gifts—to sustain our liberal religious community and its mission in the world in the good times and the difficult times. Our stewardship team has been working diligently and we will receive some of the many exciting opportunities of their work this month as we also plan carefully for the future and the positive difference we can make in our world in the year before us. Join us for worship in-person and online.

Event Series Sunday Worship

Sunday Worship: Exploring the Power of Passover for All of Us

Sanctuary 1260 18th Street, Santa Monica, CA, United States

Rabbi Laura Geller, preaching
Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae, worship associate
This special guest service will explore some of the key themes of Passover, focusing on how Passover touches the historical, the political, the spiritual and the emotional dimensions of what it means to come out of a narrow place and how it challenges us to to ask what it means to say dayenu, I have enough. Rabbi Geller will offer a special workshop after the service on "Getting Good at Getting Older" and she will have copies of her latest book available. Join us for worship in-person and online. 

We are honored to be joined today by the distinguished Rabbi Emerita for Temple Beth Emanuel in Beverly Hills. Ordained in 1975 by the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, she became one of the first female rabbis in the nation. She served 14 years as Hillel Director at the University of Southern California and 4 years as director of the Los Angeles branch of the American Jewish Congress. She engages in the study of Jewish meditation and of women's spirituality. Her awards for community service include ones from the ACLU of Southern California, the LA County Commission on the Status of Women, and our state legislature. Join us for worship in-person and online.

Event Series Sunday Worship

Sunday Worship: Our Liturgical Year

Sanctuary 1260 18th Street, Santa Monica, CA, United States

Rev. Jeremiah Lal Shahbaz Kalendae, preaching
Karen Hsu Patterson, Worship Associate
Just like the cycles of the seasons and of our lives, our liberal religious community moves through a liturgical year of annual celebrations and honorings and monthly themes. These help us to attune ourselves with nature, religious observances, and the ebb and flow of life as a community of fellow sojourners. Join us in person or online as we learn more about the liturgical year that has evolved over nearly a century and is our unique expression of our Unitarian Universalist faith.