Event Series Sunday Worship

Sunday Worship: Wheels on My Suitcase

Sanctuary 1260 18th Street, Santa Monica

Chaplain Michael Eselun, preaching; Karen Hsu Patterson, worship associate. We all carry around our own unique burdens—“our baggage,” if you will. Join us to look at what might be “the wheels” on that particular suitcase that we drag around. What are the ways we can make it all a little easier to maneuver and manage—particularly in these uncertain and challenging times?

Event Series Living More Sustainably

Living More Sustainably

Shade Structure 1260 18th Street, Santa Monica

In this first Sundays series, we will calculate our own “Ecological Footprints” and learn about local resources and new habits while feeling more empowered to take Climate Action together. Session 1 topic: Your Carbon Footprint.

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