Sunday Worship: Ingathering and Water Communion

Sanctuary 1260 18th Street, Santa Monica

Rev. Jeremiah Lal Shahbaz Kalendae and Rev. Amelia Mumina Marie, preaching. "Shall we gather by the river... the beautiful, beautiful river?" asks the hymn we sang at the Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly and will sing again this morning — a reflection upon all people gathering at the river of life. Like General Assembly, a time when congregations from all across the nation join together in worship, this annual service is a time for us to come together to inaugurate a new church year. We will pour libations of water and offer our hopes and dreams into the well of our common life. You may bring a small container of water that is sacred to you for the ceremony. We will also warmly welcome our newest members, so be sure to join us on this special Sunday morning! Johnny Canales is our Worship Associate.

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