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Sunday Worship: Truth Tellers and Pot Stirrers
August 14, 2022 @ 10:30 am - 11:30 am

Rev. Dr. Kikanza Nuri-Robins, preaching
Jo An Peters, Worship Associate
When you think you have to choose between telling the truth and being kind, what do you do? Is lying ever acceptable behavior or preferred to telling the truth? This Sunday we will explore many of the ambiguities around telling the truth.
Rev. Kikanza is an honorably retired clergy member of the Presbyterian Church (USA). She also is a member of the Pacific Western Region’s Healthy Congregations Team of the Unitarian Universalist Church; she offers pulpit supply and has served as a consulting pastor to churches around Greater Los Angeles. Rev. Kikanza is the author of many articles and six books, including: Cultural Proficiency and Fish Out of Water. She lives in Los Angeles where she serves on the Bio-Ethics Committee of the UCLA Medical Center and the boards of several social-service organizations. She spends her discretionary time in her studio playing with color and textiles.
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