On Repentance and Repair: Common Read Discussion Group
May 10 @ 10:30 am - 12:00 pm

With discussions of the next UUA Common Read set to begin for Santa Monica UU on October 12, 2024, there’s ample time to get a copy and get into the topic.
Our UUA/UUSM Common Read for 2024-2025 will be “On Repentance and Repair: Making Amends in an Unapologetic World” by Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg (Beacon Press, 2022).
The book is focused on the teachings of Moses Maimonides, a renowned rabbi whose influence shaped Jewish teachings long after his lifetime. In his work, the Mishnah Torah—a kind of handbook to consult for guidance for those who were not Torah scholars—he set forth the Maimonides Laws of Repentance. Rabbi Ruttenberg bases her reflection very solidly on the teaching of Maimonides, but also takes it further. In a world (and a country, and a culture) that truly does not know how to apologize, or forgive, this is a timely book for discussion.
This discussion will be facilitated by Judith Martin-Straw and James Witker. Your RSVP is greatly appreciated.
Can’t make this one? The group usually meets on the second Saturdays of the month. We encourage all church groups (and individuals) to read the book and freely discuss.
For questions and to order a book through the church, please reach out to the Adult Programs Committee.
More About The Common Read
The book is also available at independent bookstores, through the public library, on Kindle, and audiobook.
Sponsored by the UUSM Adult Programs Committee, Faith In Action, and the Intersectional Anti-Racism/Anti-Oppression Commission (IARAO).
See our News article on the Common Read to learn more.
Visit the For Members section for the full UUSM Google calendar.