Open Meditation: Wednesdays and Fridays – Zoom/Online
Zoom/OnlineTaking time for quiet meditation and sharing the intimacy of sitting in silence together can help sustain and ground us.
Taking time for quiet meditation and sharing the intimacy of sitting in silence together can help sustain and ground us.
This eight-week course invites participants of various worldviews—whether theistic, humanist, or atheist—to engage in a collaborative and reflective process of building their own personal theology.
Taking time for quiet meditation and sharing the intimacy of sitting in silence together can help sustain and ground us.
Like a book club but with less to read! Facilitated by Tom Hamilton and Bronwen Jones.
The Men's Group offers the opportunity to participate in a provocative and stimulating discussion. We invite you to get to know us and experience UU perspectives in a meaningful way.
Come for the food. Stay for the song. Join us for food and drink: pizza, chicken, salad, free soft drinks, beer and wine. Bring a potluck dish or drink if you wish. Dinner and community starting at 6:00 pm. Doors open at 5:30 pm. Singalong 7:00 PM. This event is FREE.
Do you have some thoughts or ideas about where we should be going as a community, or the values that will energize our direction? Join the Mission Review Team in the Cottage for an in-person community conversation.
The Rev. Dr. Kikanza Nuri-Robins, preaching; Cassie Winters, worship associate. At the beginning of a new Presidential Era we find ourselves full with a mixture of sometimes conflicting feelings. It is important to remember that this is not the first time there have been serious concerns about the leaders of our country, nor will it be the last. The difference this time is that we think we know what is coming and the news and social media fill in the gaps left by our imaginations. This Sunday we will look at how to apply our UU values and the wisdom of our ancient teachers to the political challenges we face today. Join us for worship in-person or online.
Join us under the shade structure after the service as we prepare brown bag lunches for our homeless neighbors.
The topic for this session is The 8 Principles and Article 2, presented by Norm Richey, Membership Chair. Norm will present the transition from the UU 7 Principles to the addition of the 8th Principle and then the transition to Article 2 with the 6 shared values logo with Love in the Center. He will describe each of the 6 shared values followed by discussion.
The Faith in Action: Peace & Social Justice Committee works in many ways to put UU values into action in our local community and wider world.
Taking time for quiet meditation and sharing the intimacy of sitting in silence together can help sustain and ground us.
Visit the For Members section for the full UUSM Google calendar.