Event Series Sunday Worship

Sunday Worship: Heritage Sunday

Sanctuary 1260 18th Street, Santa Monica

Bob Dietz, guest speaker; Rev. Jeremiah Lal Shahbaz Kalendae, minister. In this autumnal season of elders and ancestors, many Unitarian Universalist congregations offer a special Heritage Sunday that uplifts the spiritual journey of one or more of our elders. This will be our first Heritage Sunday, and Bob Dietz will be sharing some of his long quest with Unitarian Universalism with our beloved community this morning. We will also enter into the Advent Season as we light candles and learn to find our way in the growing darkness of this season. Join us for worship in-person and online.

Event Series An Introduction to Religious Naturalism

Religious Naturalism Part 2: The Sacred and The Story

Forbes Hall 1260 18th Street, Santa Monica

In Part 2 of this three-part series, we’ll consider key ideas, some history and salient sources, and the emerging practices and possibilities of Religious Naturalism. Because the goal is an overview rather than a deeper study, we’ll use short text excerpts as well as a variety of video and audio resources. No reading in advance is needed.

Visit the For Members section for the full UUSM Google calendar.